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5 Easy Skin Tips for Winter


Winter can be brutal on your skin. Dashing between heated interiors and the frozen tundra of a Minnesota parking lot just makes everything worse.

Here are 5 easy tips our team came up with to help with irritating (and sometimes painful) dry skin:

1. Make friends with your humidifier

There a several varieties of humidifiers you can have in your home. Adding additional moisture into the air in your home can ease the symptoms of dry cracked lips, help prevent bloody noses, and can improve a cold.

Just be sure to keep your humidifier clean. Moist air = good. Mold or bacteria = bad.

Here are some tips from the Mayo Clinic to help maintain a pleasant environment safely.

2. Get a Paraffin Dip after your next manicure

Paraffin is a melted wax that is applied in layers to the skin. Then, after being covered and sitting on the skin for a period of the time the wax is removed. Moisture is allowed to penetrate and dead skin cells are removed, resulting in fresh, younger looking, and softer.

If your hands are cracked and painful, a Paraffin Dip might be the best solution to force the moisture into your skin. This can even relieve joint pain!

3. Vaseline, Vaseline, Vaseline

Remember slathering Vaseline onto your lips as a kid? Well, Vaseline is useful for so much more in winter. Slather some Vaseline on your hands, and pull on some plastic gloves and let it rest for at least 15 minutes. Then remove the gloves and rinse off for softer, moisturized hands.

You can also do this at night, and throw a pair of warming mittens on top. The heat and extended time will really allow the moisture to penetrate your skin.

4. Sugar Sugar, Honey Honey

Chapped Lips? No problem! You've got the solution right in your kitchen. Mix up a combo of honey and granulated sugar and rub on your lips to slough off dead skin. Follow up with your favorite lip balm. EOS is one of my favorites...

5. Minute Manicure

A minute manicure is a quick service we can do here at Get Gorgeous. We slough off the dead skin and moisturize! Nothing simpler.

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878 Selby Ave, Saint Paul  MN 


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